
[HEADS UP] The Old “Nigerian Prince Scam” resurfaces as “Russian Billionaire Fraud”

Scammers continue to get creative when it comes to current [...]

By |2022-10-03T12:08:42-05:00October 3rd, 2022|Security|Comments Off on [HEADS UP] The Old “Nigerian Prince Scam” resurfaces as “Russian Billionaire Fraud”

CyberheistNews Vol 12 #39 [HEADS UP] Bank of America Warns About Recent Scams That Request Zelle Payment Due to ‘Suspicious Activity’

By |2022-09-27T08:30:00-05:00September 27th, 2022|Security|Comments Off on CyberheistNews Vol 12 #39 [HEADS UP] Bank of America Warns About Recent Scams That Request Zelle Payment Due to ‘Suspicious Activity’

Recent Optus Data Breach Teaches the Importance of Recognizing Social Engineering

Optus, one of Australia's largest telecommunications companies, recently suffered a [...]

By |2022-09-26T09:00:46-05:00September 26th, 2022|Security|Comments Off on Recent Optus Data Breach Teaches the Importance of Recognizing Social Engineering